Gurdaspur Diary: All eyes on Dinanagar SHO
Cops in the border police districts of Gurdaspur, Pathankot and Batala launched a massive Cordon and Search Operation (CASO). Whenever such raids occur in Gurdaspur, it is imperative on the part of the police to search almost every house in Deedan Sansian village. The hamlet falls under the jurisdiction of the Dinanagar police station where a woman police officer, Karishma, is the SHO. The village has gained infamy over the years for selling heroin openly. The police have termed it as a ‘drug hotspot’. During every CASO Operation, this hamlet invariably comes under the scanner and hence is targeted. To complicate matters, three bodies were found a day before the cops sprung into action. All three were believed to be addicts who allegedly died following an excessive dose of heroin. Under the guidance of SSP Harish Dayama, SHO Karishma relentlessly raided the village and also those adjoining it. At the end of the day, the lady was successful in nabbing five hardcore smugglers. She also registered an FIR against 17 people. People of the village say that she neither lets them sleep nor sleeps herself. Now, that is a compliment for the SHO. However, she has a problem. Things are back to square one once the embers die. That is when the hype surrounding the raids dies down the smugglers are back in action. The SHO has to ensure that this stops and the heroin menace is wiped out from Dinanagar. Only time will tell if she is successful in her endeavour or not. Yet another dilemma that she faces is that SHOs are changed at the drop of a hat. Now that she has dug her heels deep, senior officials should give her a fair chance to eradicate the menace. This can be possible only if these officers keep the political class at an arm’s length. Because officers like Karishma do not suit politicians. Let us see what the future holds for Dinanagar. Over to Gurdaspur SSP Harish Dayama, only he can ensure stability in an area where generation after generation is losing its life and livelihoods to heroin.
Young Lion ready to serve
Lion Kanwar Pal Singh (22) was on cloud nine following his election as president of the Lions Club (Kahnuwan-Fateh). A meeting was held under regional chairman Lion Romesh Mahajan and president Lion Dr RS Bajwa where the decision was taken. Later, Mahajan said it was a proud moment for Kanwar Pal as he was unanimously elected at such a young age.
Lion Ravail Singh was elected as the chairman and Lion Sarbjit Singh Kahlon was elected as the club’s senior vice-president. Lion Harish Kumar was elected as secretary while Lion Satnam Singh and Lion Kulwinder Singh were elected as cashier and PRO, respectively. Kanwar Pal said he will go all out to ensure that his club engages itself in meaningful activity. “We can improve our relationship with others by leaps and bounds if we start encouraging people instead of criticising them. Lions Club is an institution in itself whose motto is to build bridges rather than walls,” he said.
(Contributed By Ravi Dhaliwal)