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JCT unions seek action against mgmt over fraud

Meet SP, submit memorandum
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A delegation of the JCT Mill Mazdoor Samaj and Jagatjit Cotton Mill Trade Union Congress met Superintendent of Police Rupinder Kaur Bhatti and submitted a memorandum, demanding legal action against the mill owners and management of JCT Mills on the charge of fraud.

Their charges

Union representatives allege that during Covid, workers, who left their jobs, retired or resigned due to the closure of departments, had not received their gratuity, overtime payment, bonus and provident fund from the mill management, resulting in severe financial hardships

The union representatives alleged that during the Covid-19 pandemic, workers, who left their jobs, retired or resigned due to the closure of departments, had not received their gratuity, overtime payment, bonus and provident fund from the mill management, resulting in severe financial hardships for them.

The workers further claimed that for the past year, the mill management had failed to deposit the Employees’ State Insurance (ESI) contributions, leaving them unable to access medical treatment for themselves or their families. Additionally, workers had been unable to withdraw their savings from the mill’s cooperative society.


The unions also accused the mill of fraudulently withholding contributions to the provident fund (PF). Instead of depositing 24 per cent (12 per cent from the workers’ salaries and 12 per cent from the owners), the mill allegedly kept the entire amount. The union also claimed that workers were being mentally harassed and threatened by the management.

They warned that the mill owners and management would be held responsible if any untoward incident occurred involving the workers. The copies of the memorandum had been sent to the Governor and Chief Minister, Labour Secretary, Labour Commissioner, Assistant Central Provident Fund Commissioner, Regional Provident Fund Commissioner, DC and the SSP of Kapurthala.


Prominent union leaders present on the occasion included Dharminder, Mohit, Honey, Ramkrishna, Mukesh, Rajesh, Ajay Yadav, Surjeet, Vinod Pandey and Rajeev Chaubey.

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