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Marathon in village with message to shun drugs

'Saada khwab nasha rahit Dabulia'. Such messages are being displayed in a village in Kapurthala. In a unique effort, gram panchayat of Dabulia village, under the guidance of Arjuna Awardee Sajjan Singh Cheema, is going to hold a marathon titled...
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Village level marathon to be held in Dabulia village in Kapurthala.

'Saada khwab nasha rahit Dabulia'. Such messages are being displayed in a village in Kapurthala. In a unique effort, gram panchayat of Dabulia village, under the guidance of Arjuna Awardee Sajjan Singh Cheema, is going to hold a marathon titled - 'Tandrust Dabulia'. It is for the first time that a village-level marathon will be held. The motive is to create a healthy village and ultimately a healthy Punjab. Villagers will run with a message to shun drugs.

Arjuna Awardee Sajjan Singh Cheema, who is also the halqa in-charge of Sultanpur Lodhi, said drugs had found its way even in the interiors of villages and it is an alarming situation.

"A youngster can only be saved if he gets utilised the energy in sports. Otherwise, it will get tough for everyone to save the upcoming generations," he added.


The marathon will be held on February 8 and will start at 6am.

The village has a great contribution in sports as five from the village are international and national sports players. Also, youngsters belonging to lower middle class families have been good positions in other fields as well.


All sportspersons from the village, who have excelled in various sports and those who are at the learning stage, will run from the stadium in Dabulia village to Kapurthala octroi post.

Cheema has started this initiative from the village and slowly he wishes to expand it pan-Punjab. He said, "After village Dabulia, we will take it to other villages as well. There are 23 blocks under Sultanpur Lodhi and one village will be selected in each block," he added.

According to Cheema, even is they get 10 per cent success, it will be a positive sign.

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