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National Commission chief tells officials to ensure welfare, rights of sanitation workers

Jalandhar, August 31 Deputy Commissioner Himanshu Aggarwal welcomed M Venkatesan, chairman, National Commission for Safai Karamcharis, in Jalandhar today. He was welcomed with a guard of honour by a police contingent upon his arrival. During his visit, Venkatesan held a...
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M Venkatesan during a meeting with Jalandhar administration officials on Saturday. Malkiat Singh

Jalandhar, August 31

Deputy Commissioner Himanshu Aggarwal welcomed M Venkatesan, chairman, National Commission for Safai Karamcharis, in Jalandhar today. He was welcomed with a guard of honour by a police contingent upon his arrival.

During his visit, Venkatesan held a detailed meeting with Jalandhar administration officials to discuss ongoing issues faced by safai karamcharis.


He also interacted with the sanitation workers, listened to their grievances, and promptly issued directives to address their concerns. He emphasised that all safai karamcharis, whether regular or contractual, must receive the facilities entitled to them as per government norms. These include provident fund, insurance, health services, ESI registration, identity cards, minimum wages, safety gear, ex-gratia benefits, and enrolment of regular employees into pension schemes.

He stressed the importance of regular medical check-ups for the workers employed in various organisations and directed officials to prioritise their welfare. He urged the administration to ensure that no stone was left unturned in providing adequate support and facilities to these workers. Additionally, he emphasised the need for regular recruitment of safai karamcharis in government establishments, including municipal corporations and municipal councils.


Prominent officials present during the visit included Commissioner of Municipal Corporation Gautam Jain, Additional Deputy Commissioner Jasbir Singh and Additional Commissioner of Municipal Corporation Amarjit Bains.

Deputy Commissioner Himanshu Aggarwal apprised the chairman about the steps taken by the Jalandhar Administration for the welfare of safai karamcharis. He assured the Commission that the administration will always accord top priority to resolving issues pertaining to employees. He also thanked all the unions and safai karamcharis for their active participation in the meeting.

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