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Publishers issued directives about campaign material

Jalandhar, June 12 Additional Deputy Commissioner-cum-additional District Election Officer Dr Amit Mahajan has issued directives to printers and publishers regarding the election campaign material to be used by political parties and candidates in light of the upcoming by-election for...
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Jalandhar, June 12

Additional Deputy Commissioner-cum-additional District Election Officer Dr Amit Mahajan has issued directives to printers and publishers regarding the election campaign material to be used by political parties and candidates in light of the upcoming by-election for Assembly constituency Jalandhar West (SC).


During a meeting with printers and publishers at the District Administrative Complex, Mahajan stated that no one shall print any election campaign material such as pamphlets or posters without the name and address of the printer and publisher. He warned that anyone found violating the directive could face up to six months imprisonment or a fine of up to Rs 2,000, or both.

He added that if any document or campaign material contained objectionable content such as appeals based on religion, race, caste, community, or language, or any objectionable language about someone, strict action will be taken against the individual.


He said these restrictions were aimed at curbing unjustified expenses on pamphlets and posters by political parties, candidates and their supporters. He also made it clear that strict action will be taken against violators under Section 127-A, including the registration of cases and the cancellation of printing press licences.

He said that before printing election campaign material, the printer must obtain a self-declaration signed by the publisher, verified by two persons known to the publisher. He informed that the printer must provide the District Election Office with a declaration, along with the quantity of printed election campaign material and the associated costs, in the prescribed format set by the Election Commission.

“If any officer is found failing to implement the aforementioned guidelines and the Election Commission’s directives properly, strict departmental action will be taken against them,” he said.

Representatives of banks have also been asked to submit daily report on suspicious transactions to avoid the misuse of money.

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