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Rapid Action Force holds blood donation camp

Jalandhar, June 14 On the occasion of World Blood Donor Day, the 114 Battalion Rapid Action Force in Jalandhar organised a blood donation camp. During the camp, approximately 50 men and women RAF personnel donated blood. They were honoured...
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Jalandhar, June 14

On the occasion of World Blood Donor Day, the 114 Battalion Rapid Action Force in Jalandhar organised a blood donation camp. During the camp, approximately 50 men and women RAF personnel donated blood. They were honoured with certificates and medals.


The Commandant of the 114 Battalion, Ashwani Kumar Jha, said the World Blood Donor Day is celebrated worldwide on June 14 every year as a tribute to biologist and physician Karl Landsteiner’s birthday. He added that a person who donates blood performs the greatest act of charity, as one unit of blood can save the lives of about three individuals. He also said that the 114 Battalion Rapid Action Force would continue to engage in such public welfare activities in the future, thereby encouraging people to participate in such humanitarian endeavours.

Inspector Kamal Meena of the 114 Battalion donated blood for the 29th time. Head Constable GD Rashmi Kaur of the 114 Battalion, donated blood for the sixth time.


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