Three Lok Adalats award Rs 33.61 crore compensation
Jalandhar, December 9
The District Legal Services Authority organised Lok Adalats at the Judicial Court Complexes in Jalandhar, Phillaur and Nakodar. All type of civil, matrimonial, compoundable, traffic challan, pre-litigative PSPCL, bank, BSNL and revenue cases were taken up in the Lok Adalats.
Nirbhow Singh Gill, District and Sessions Judge-cum-Chairperson, DLSA, Jalandhar, said 17 Benches had been constituted in Jalandhar, besides one at Phillaur and two at Nakodar. A total of 34,083 cases were taken up in the Lok Adalats, of which 32,773 cases were disposed of on the basis of compromise.
Awards worth Rs.33.61 crore were passed in the Lok Adalat. Amit Kumar Garg, CJM-cum-Secretary in-charge, DLSA, inspected Benches constituted at Jalandhar.
Justice Gill said through Lok Adalat, people were able to get speedy justice. Decision of the Lok Adalat was final and no appeal could be made against it. The decision was given on the basis of compromise between both the parties. Moreover, court fee paid by an applicant was also refunded. CJM Garg said from time to time, Lok Adalats were organised so that cases could be disposed of by way of compromise. Those interested in filling cases in a Lok Adalat and for seeking further information regarding any legal matter could dial toll free number 1968.