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Two arrested with illegal liquor

Talwara, August 31 Illicit and smuggled liquor was recovered during checking at two different places on Saturday as part of the campaign launched against those involved in illegal trade in the Kandi area. Inspector Amarjit Kaur, in-charge, Hajipur police station,...
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Talwara, August 31

Illicit and smuggled liquor was recovered during checking at two different places on Saturday as part of the campaign launched against those involved in illegal trade in the Kandi area.

Inspector Amarjit Kaur, in-charge, Hajipur police station, said ASI Subhash Chandra, along with a police team, had set up a naka on the canal bridge of Bhavanal village. During checking, a scooter was stopped and searched and 1.5 lakh ml of illegal liquor was recovered. The scooter driver identified as Tarun Kumar of Ghasitpur was arrested.


In the second incident, a police team led by ASI Harbhajan Singh set up a naka at Hajipur T-point. On receiving a tip-off, the police checked a person sitting under shed of Adda Dalowal. Eleven bottles (8,250 ml) of smuggled liquor was recovered from him. The suspect was identified as Jeet Singh of Dalowal village. The Hajipur police registered separate cases against two suspects and initiated probe.

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