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10 courses that can help upgrade your skills

Diwakar Chittora  The lockdown due to COvid-19 pandemic over the past three months has brought all economic activity to a standstill. With employees stuck at home and most companies resorting to work from home the contours of work and productivity...
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Diwakar Chittora 

The lockdown due to COvid-19 pandemic over the past three months has brought all economic activity to a standstill. With employees stuck at home and most companies resorting to work from home the contours of work and productivity standards are changing fast. It is very important for professionals to stay relevant in a fast-changing job scene. Fiscal constraints being faced by a majority of businesses have made it mandatory for professionals to broaden their horizons and stay relevant. Acquiring new skills is a winning strategy at the moment. Here we bring top 10 courses that can help young professionals upgrade during lockdown period. Read on and zero in on the one thatr is the most relevant to your job role and qualification:

 1.       Post Graduate Certification in Big Data Analytics by E&ICT, IIT Guwahati 


  • About the Programme: Learners will undergo 11 courses, namely, Statistics for Analytics, Data Analytics Using Excel, Data Analytics Using SQL, Python for Analytics, Basic Java & Linux, Big Data &Hadoop, Apache Spark, MongoDB, Administrating Big Data Systems, Business Intelligence & Data Mining, and Tableau.
  • URL: https://intellipaat.com/post-graduate-certification-big-data-analytics/
  • Duration: 9 months
  • Price: Rs 2,25,000
  • Eligibility Criteria: All the graduates who wants to build up their career in Big Data Analytics, Data Science, and Machine Learning can take up this course. In graduation person should have minimum 50% marks.
  • Learners will get certificate from E&ICT IIT Guwahati & IBM after course completion as well as they will get 100% job assurance support.

       2.    Machine Learning

  • About the Programe: In this class students learn about the most effective machine learning techniques. They also practice how to implement such techniques and how to benefit from them. Students learn not only the theoretical underpinning of machine learning but also gain practical knowledge that lets them quickly apply these technologies to new problems. Students learn about logistic regression, artificial neural networks, machine learning algorithms, and machine learning.
  • URL: https://www.coursera.org/learn/machinelearning?authMode=signup#about
  • Duration: 64 hours
  • Price: Rs 4,508
  • Eligibility Criteria: Open to all learners
  • Students who purchase the course are awarded an electronic certificate. They can print the certificate and add it to their Linkedin page.  

 3.  Data Science Architect Course


  • About the Programme: This Data Science Architect master’s course lets you gain proficiency in Data Science. You will work on real-world projects in Data Science with R, HadoopDev, Admin, Test and Analysis, Apache Spark, Scala, Deep Learning, Tableau, Data Science with SAS, SQL, MongoDB and more. In this programme, you will cover 10 courses and 53 industry-based projects with 1 CAPSTONE project. As a part of online classroom training, you will receive five additional self-paced courses co-created with IBM namely Deep Learning with TensorFlow, Build Chatbots with Watson Assistant, R for Data Science, Spark MLlIb, and Python for Data Science. Moreover, you will also get an exclusive access to IBM Watson Cloud Lab for Chatbots course.
  • URL: https://intellipaat.com/data-science-architect-masters-program-training/
  • Duration:232 hrsof Online Instructor led training
  • Price: Rs 62,000
  • Eligibility Criteria: No Pre-Requisite
  • This course is created in collaboration with IBM and learners will receive certificate from IBM

 4.       Deep Learning Explained

  • About the programme:Students will be introduced to deep learning and get quick recaps of machine learning concepts. They will learn to build a multi-class classification model using logistic regression. They will learn to detect digits in hand written digit image starting from a simple end to end model, to a deep neural network. Students will also learn how to improve hand written digit recognition with convolutional network. They will build a model to forecast time data using a recurrent network. Finally students will learn to build a text data application using recurrent LSTM units.  
  • URL: https://www.edx.org/course/deep-learning-explained-2
  • Duration: 6 weeks 
  • Price: Free, certificate costs $99
  • Eligibility Criteria: Students should have basic programming skills, working knowledge of data science.  

 5.       Cloud &Devops Architect Master Course

  • About the Programme:This Cloud and DevOps Architect master’s course lets you gain proficiency in Cloud and DevOps. You will work on real-world projects in AWS, Azure, DevOps, Python, Java, Splunk, Linux and more. In this programme, you will cover 11 courses and 26 industry-based projects and the CAPSTONE Project.
  • URL: https://intellipaat.com/cloud-devops-architect-masters-program-training/
  • Duration: 147 hrs of Online Instructor-led training
  • Price: Rs 56,900
  • Eligibility Criteria: No Pre-Requisite, anyone willing to build career in Cloud &Devops Can join this course
  • As part of this online classroom training, you will also receive official course material issued by Microsoft for ‘Integrating On-premises Identity Infrastructure with Microsoft Azure’ and ‘Implement Security in Azure Development Solutions’.
  • This course is created in collaboration with IBM and Microsoft and learners will receive certificate from IBM and Microsoft.

 6.       Mastering Python – Networking and Security

  •  About the programme: Students learn how to create, run, and troubleshoot scripts using Python and move through specific programming libraries and technologies that let them tackle several networking tasks and security measures. Students are provided an overview of Python including how to create and run scripts, use threads, and handle exceptions. From there students learn how to network, including how to use Python libraries for network scripting and develop basic scripts with 
  • URL: https://www.udemy.com/course/mastering-python-networking-and-security/
  • Duration: 5 hours of on-demand videos
  • Cost:  Rs 360
  • Eligibility Criteria: Some basic knowledge of programming is required by not necessary

 7.       Artificial Intelligence Master’s Course

  • About the Programme: This master’s programme will help you master skills like Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Python , R programming, Statistics, Natural language processing, SAS, analytics using excel and Tableau.
  • URL: https://intellipaat.com/artificial-intelligence-masters-training-course/
  • Duration: 166 hrs of Online Instructor led training
  • Price: Rs 46,000
  • Eligibility Criteria: No Pre-Requisite, anyone willing to build career in Artificial Intelligence & Deep Learning. Basic programming knowledge would be good but not mandatory.
  • This course is created in collaboration with IBM and learners will receive certificate from IBM

8.       Web Development with Django and Angular JS

  • About the programme: In this course students learn to build a complete web application including a rich user interface, database and much more. Students will learn how to create a basic web application with Django using Angular which will add an attractive front end. Students also learn to use REST and AJAX to pass data between front end JavaScript and back end Python calls. By the end of the course, students will know both Django and Angular and know how to use both to create a fully interactive web application.  
  • URL: https://www.pluralsight.com/courses/django-angularjs-web-development
  • Duration:  3 hours 42 minutes
  • Price: $19 per month
  • Eligibility Criteria: Open to all learners 

 9.       Business Intelligence Master’s Course

  • About the Programme: Our Business Intelligence Architect master’s course lets you gain proficiency in Business Intelligence. You will work on real-world projects in Informatica, Tableau, MSBI, Power BI, MS SQL, Data warehousing and Erwin, Azure Data Factory, SQL DBA and more. In this program, you will cover 9 courses and 32 industry-based projects.
  • URL: https://intellipaat.com/business-intelligence-masters-program-training/
  • Duration: 150 of Online Instructor led training
  • Price: Rs 56,000
  • Eligibility Criteria: Any
  • This course is created in collaboration with Microsoft and learners will receive certificate from Microsoft

 10     Intro to Machine Learning with Tensor Flow

  • About the programme: Students learn foundational machine learning algorithms that start with data cleaning and supervised models. Subsequently they move on to deep and unsupervised learning. At each step, students get practical experience.
  • URL: https://www.udacity.com/course/intro-to-machine-learning-with-tensorflow-nanodegree–nd230
  • Duration: 3 months
  • Price:Rs 58,257 for 3 months access
  • Eligibility: Students should have python programming knowledge and basic knowledge of probability and statistics.

 — The writer is CEO and Founder, IntelliPaat.

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