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A unique self-help endeavour

Technology is transforming the landscape of the written word and new-age books are reflecting this change. Corporate professional-turned-entrepreneur Sanjay Desai’s latest self-help book Jasmine Builds on Shifting Sand falls in the unique genre of hybrid multimedia learning tool. The book ties...
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Technology is transforming the landscape of the written word and new-age books are reflecting this change. Corporate professional-turned-entrepreneur Sanjay Desai’s latest self-help book Jasmine Builds on Shifting Sand falls in the unique genre of hybrid multimedia learning tool. The book ties two seemingly distinct tales in an intertwined journey that explores the manifestation of dreams. At the center of the book is Jasmine’s journey of making it as a successful model in the cut-throat world of fashion. Set between the esoteric location of the Himalayas and the urban bustle of Mumbai, the book offers an enhanced learning experience which is further amplified through the embedded micro-learning content that is interspersed throughout the text, making for a truly immersive experience.

 Jasmine Builds on Shifting Sands is an inspiring story of a small town girl who is awestruck by the glamour world and decides to make it big in the fashion industry. Throughout her journey of manifesting her dream, she meets different people who play a significant role or influence her journey in some or the other way. The author tries decoding external influences that have an impact on her journey.

 The author dives deep into how the consciousness of the mind works. The highs and lows, emotional breakdowns, and friendships in Jasmine’s lives are a relatable premise to the reader. Her response to these experiences is where the key learning is. The author, through Jasmine’s story, shares the importance of life skills and how our response to our environment can influence our success.


 The epilogue of the book is about the author sharing his knowledge seeking experience in the Himalayas while interacting with his spiritual guide- Ma. This master narrative is gripping, intriguing and the entire story of Jasmine is a way to share his learnings from his spiritual guru.

 Through the immersive experience of Jasmine’s story, the reader also gets a chance to parallely reflect upon his/her own life by micro-learning courses embedded in the book throughout Jasmine’s story. When Jasmine is failing, the reader can decode his/ her own failure by accessing the decoding failure course which doesn’t take more than 15 mins. However, the learnings are meant to stay for a long time. If social media is derailing Jasmine from her goals, the reader can go through a personalised social media distancing course that will help him/her to not be distracted by social media. A Positive micro booster course can help readers stay positive, inspired and focused on an agenda. This unique self learning experience makes this book an in-depth learning experience. All these courses are in the form of QR codes embedded in most relevant pages. The parallel journey of reader’s success along with Jasmine’s makes this book unique and is an incredible reading experience. TNS


Availability – This book is available on Amazon – https://www.amazon.in/Jasmine-Builds-Shifting-Sands-Sanjay-ebook/dp/B089W6G9S9

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