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Care for Mother Nature, says Srikant Dwivedi

Srikant Dwivedi, who is known for his portrayal of Lord Vishnu in the TV shows Lakshmi Narayan - Sukh Samarthya Santulan as the lead actor, and current show Shiv Shakti - Tap Tyaag Tandav, says it is sad the way...
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Srikant Dwivedi, who is known for his portrayal of Lord Vishnu in the TV shows Lakshmi Narayan - Sukh Samarthya Santulan as the lead actor, and current show Shiv Shakti - Tap Tyaag Tandav, says it is sad the way the New Year has begun. “We are in the second week of 2025 and witnessing a series of devastating events, like floods in Saudi Arabia, a virus outbreak in China, an earthquake in Tibet, and fires in Los Angeles,” he rues.

He says we must be careful about what we do to Mother Nature. “Most of the disasters we see today are natural, but a significant reason behind them is how humans are living and the way our planet is being polluted. Deforestation, in particular, has led to severe consequences. These disasters are bound to happen if we don’t change our ways. I strongly believe it’s time for humans to adopt a more responsible way of living, focusing on protecting the environment,” he says.

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