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Arshdeep Bahga and Sarbjit Bahga have launched a memoir on improving farmers' livelihoods

Tricity’s father son duo, Arshdeep Bahga and Sarbjit Bahga, recently launched their latest book titled Building a Sustainable and Bio-Diverse Organic Farm: Case Study of a 1 Acre Model Farm in India. The book covers their experiences of developing a...
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Tricity’s father son duo, Arshdeep Bahga and Sarbjit Bahga, recently launched their latest book titled Building a Sustainable and Bio-Diverse Organic Farm: Case Study of a 1 Acre Model Farm in India.

The book covers their experiences of developing a farm and growing healthy, organic, and natural, farm-fresh vegetables; thereby proving to be a blessing in disguise for readers who wish to start their own organic farm!

Arshdeep, a tech entrepreneur, was working as a research scientist at Georgia Tech, USA, for six years, and decided to move back to India in 2016. Whereas, his father Sarbjit, meanwhile, served as an architect in the Punjab Government and had a successful career that spanned 41 years.


Fueled by the zeal to enhance agrarian patterns in the region and boost farmers’ incomes, the duo came up with the idea of establishing a farm that reintroduced the traditional practices of organic farming with a blend of modern technologies, and the same has been highlighted in their latest literary endeavour.

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