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Dhaliwal sisters to take part in karate championship in Norway

Aseem Kaur Dhaliwal and Anshreet Kaur Dhaliwal, popularly known as the Dhaliwal sisters among the karate players fraternity, have been chosen for the prestigious Taekkyeon International Karate Championship scheduled to be held at Oslo in Norway from July 1 to...
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Rotarians felicitate Dhaliwal sisters at Mandi Ahmedgarh.

Aseem Kaur Dhaliwal and Anshreet Kaur Dhaliwal, popularly known as the Dhaliwal sisters among the karate players fraternity, have been chosen for the prestigious Taekkyeon International Karate Championship scheduled to be held at Oslo in Norway from July 1 to 6.

The selection was made in recognition of their outstanding performance at the JKS South Asia Karate Championship held at Meerut in UP recently, wherein both the sisters won gold medals in their respective categories.

Karate coach Mithun Marwaha said Aseem had participated in the sub-junior and Anshreet showcased her talent in the junior category in the South Asia Championship organised by Japan Karate-Do Shudokan-India, approved by the Karate India Organisation (KIO).


The Dhaliwal sisters had also brought laurels to their parents and the town by winning many prizes in their respective categories at the district and state-level competitions earlier.

Several social welfare organisations in the region organised functions to felicitate the Dhaliwal sisters on their achievement.


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