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Shastri Nagar railway crossing closed for a week, commuters face trouble

The Shastri Nagar railway crossing has now been closed for a week by the railway authorities, citing the pending construction work on the tracks. The crossing, which was closed on Saturday, has been causing inconvenience to commuters. Parents, students among...
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A notice regarding the closure of the Shastri Nagar railway crossing due to the ongoing construction work in Ludhiana. Himanshu Mahajan

The Shastri Nagar railway crossing has now been closed for a week by the railway authorities, citing the pending construction work on the tracks. The crossing, which was closed on Saturday, has been causing inconvenience to commuters.

Parents, students among worst hit

The crossing connects the Malhar road and Pakhowal Road with Model Town and Shastri Nagar. Daily thousands of commuters pass through the same. Parents and students will be among those who are worst affected as they have to drop and pick up their wards every day. Even the school buses that ferry children to and from schools daily will also have to take a long route.


“We daily pass through the crossing to reach children’s school in Shastri Nagar to drop and pick up our wards. Now with the closure of the level crossing, we have to take a long route to reach the school. It will not only make us to spend extra time in commuting but we have to spend more money due to the long distance,” said Gurpreet Kaur, a resident of Haibowal.

Another resident, Karuna Sharma, said she would not take a long route to drop and pick up her children and would prefer to park the vehicle near the railway crossing. After crossing the tracks, she can reach the school by walking only. Though crossing the rail tracks was violation of the norms, she would not be the only one as most of the parents would resort to the practice to save their time and fuel.


In July 2024, when the Shastri Nagar crossing was closed for construction and renovation, people had started crossing tracks on foot after parking their vehicles near the spot while other commuters took other routes to reach their destinations.

Amandeep Singh, a resident of the Pakhowal road area, said he visits a gurdwara in Model Town every day and the railway crossing was the best route to reach the place. But now, he had to face inconvenience for a week.

The Damoria Bridge has also been lying closed since December due to the expansion of rail tracks and it is expected to be opened in a month or two. Commuters who were using the bridge have also been facing trouble.

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