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Life skills to be part of school syllabus from next session

“Life skills will be integrated into the school curriculum from the next academic session in the state,” announced Rajesh Sharma, Director, Samagra Shiksha Project. Sharma stated this at the conclusion of the two-day workshop to develop a “Life Skill-Mindfulness curriculum”...
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“Life skills will be integrated into the school curriculum from the next academic session in the state,” announced Rajesh Sharma, Director, Samagra Shiksha Project.

“Life skills will be integrated into the school curriculum from the next academic session in the state,” announced Rajesh Sharma, Director, Samagra Shiksha Project.

Sharma stated this at the conclusion of the two-day workshop to develop a “Life Skill-Mindfulness curriculum” for Classes VI-XII for schools in the state. He also reviewed the draft curriculum and provided instructions for its implementation.

The workshop was aimed at finalising methods for incorporating life skills into school education.


He instructed experts to prepare a comprehensive plan for integrating modules into respective subjects in order to ensure its successful implementation.

The project director stressed the importance of making the process of learning life skills simple, interesting and easy to learn. He said life skills were part of India’s ancient Gurukul system, but was lost over time.


He asked all participants to develop a clear outline for implementation, simplifying the process and linking it with teaching activities.

“We are committed to implementing this initiative. Teachers will also be imparted training in this regard with the help of the master trainers of the Bharti Foundation,” he added.

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