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Ex-Army Chiefs call for strong ties with Nepal

New Delhi, February 23 Military bond between India and Nepal remains the bedrock of ties between the two nations and there is a need to further strengthen the bond to enhance the bilateral relations. This was brought out at...
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New Delhi, February 23

Military bond between India and Nepal remains the bedrock of ties between the two nations and there is a need to further strengthen the bond to enhance the bilateral relations. This was brought out at a conclave of chiefs of the two armies to mark 260 years of the Nepali Army.


Four former Indian Army Chiefs — General VN Sharma, General JJ Singh, General Deepak Kapoor and General Dalbir Singh Suhag — attended the celebrations as special guests.

General Suhag emphasised the need to further strengthen the bond between the two armies to enhance bilateral relations. Chief of Nepal Army General Prabhu Ram Sharma highlighted the significance of the conclave.


The Indian guests also attended a cultural show at the Army Club. President Bidya Devi Bhandari, the supreme commander of the Nepali Army, was the chief guest at the event where PM Puspha Kamal Dahal was also present.

The Nepali Army presented an encompassing show representing all ethnic communities across Nepal. The visiting Generals went to the Nepali Army Memorial to honour its martyrs. They later attended the Army Day main event at the Army Pavillion in Tudikhel. Various Gurkha brass bands representing three Armies (Nepali, Indian and British) jointly performed on the occasion.

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