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ADC chairs meeting on district’s readiness for stubble management

Patiala, August 23 The District Administration has begun preparations to manage stubble in the district through in-situ and ex-situ techniques. In this regard, Additional Deputy Commissioner Kanchan today held an online meeting with all the SDMs of the district, along...
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Patiala, August 23

The District Administration has begun preparations to manage stubble in the district through in-situ and ex-situ techniques.

In this regard, Additional Deputy Commissioner Kanchan today held an online meeting with all the SDMs of the district, along with officials of the Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Department, Cooperative Societies, Food and Civil Supplies, Punjab Pollution Control Board, Rural Development and Panchayat Department and others to review the preparations made so far.


Kanchan instructed the officials to immediately complete the mapping of the machinery for stubble management and to get the machinery available with the cooperative societies and the Agriculture Department repaired. She said the Agriculture Department must also ensure the mapping of the machinery available with the farmers in coordination with the concerned departments.

She said the Agriculture Department must organise awareness camps across the district about the benefits of stubble management and SDMs must take part in these at the sub-division levels. She said students must also be made aware of the ill-effects it had on the environment.


Samana SDM Richa Goyal, Patiala SDM Ravinder Singh, Chief Agriculture Officer Jaswinder Singh, DDPO, Rohit Singla from the Pollution Control Board, representatives of cooperative societies and other officials from various departments attended the meeting.

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