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NAAC team to visit Punjab University Patiala campus today

Patiala, October 3 A team from the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) is set to visit Punjab University Patiala on October 4. The university, in a statement, said the team will evaluate various other aspects of the university...
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Patiala, October 3

A team from the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) is set to visit Punjab University Patiala on October 4.


The university, in a statement, said the team will evaluate various other aspects of the university from 2017 to 2022 and will assign an appropriate grade after the evaluation.

Accreditation lapsed on February 18

The university’s accreditation lapsed on February 18. Without NAAC accreditation, the university may miss out on government grants. The executive committee of the NAACaccredited the university with a grade of ‘A’ on February 19, 2016.

The applicant universities and colleges follow a process of collecting data on all departments on the campus, including their activities, including placements, co-curricular activities, research processes, strengths, and others. A report of the collected data is submitted to the NAAC. The NAAC team visits the campus, makes an assessment, and allocates a grade.


The university’s accreditation lapsed on February 18. Without NAAC accreditation, the government university may miss out on government grants. The executive committee of the National Assessment and Accreditation Council accredited the university with a grade of ‘A’ on February 19, 2016, which was valid until February 18, 2023.

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