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Treatment of addicts free at govt centres: Civil Surgeon

Fatehgarh Sahib, June 26 The district Health Department organised an awareness seminar to mark International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking at Government District Drug De-addiction Centre here on Wednesday. Civil Surgeon Davinderjit Kaur inaugurated the seminar, while...
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Fatehgarh Sahib, June 26

The district Health Department organised an awareness seminar to mark International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking at Government District Drug De-addiction Centre here on Wednesday. Civil Surgeon Davinderjit Kaur inaugurated the seminar, while Deputy Medical Commissioner Sarita presided over it.


Addressing the seminar, the Civil Surgeon said addiction was an illness that weakened a person physically, mentally and financially. She said the government was providing treatment to addicts free of charge at de-addiction centres, OT clinics and rehabilitation centres. The identity and records of the person undergoing treatment in these government centres were kept confidential, she added.

Sanpreet Kaur, a specialist in mental diseases, gave information about the causes of drug addiction, symptoms of drug addicts, other diseases caused by drug addiction and their treatment. On the occasion, a poster competition was conducted by the students of nursing college and the Civil Surgeon honoured the participants.


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