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Voters’ Day pledge ceremony organised at MM Modi College

ECI Nodal Officer emphasies on voter awareness
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Principal Dr. Neeraj Goyal along with teachers and students taking oath during National Voter Day celebration at Multani Mal Modi college in Patiala, on Saturday. Tribune photo: Rajesh Sachar

The Systematic Voters’ Education and Electoral Participation (SVEEP) wing of Multani Mal Modi College in collaboration with National Cadet Corps 5 Punjab Battalion, National Cadet Corps Army wing, 4 Punjab Girls Battalion, National Cadet Corps and 3 Punjab Air SQN, National Cadet Corps today held a pledge ceremony about voting in all the elections under the guidelines of the Election Commission of India and the District Commissioner Office.

The main objective of the event was to discuss with the students and the staff members the fundamental right to vote and elect in a fair and fearless way.

College Principal Neeraj Goyal while addressing the faculty members and students said that it is our prime responsibility as responsible citizens to cast our vote in a honest way and to select a deserving candidate as our political representative


Maninder Deep Cheema, Nodal Officer, Systematic Voter’s Education and

Electoral Participation wing told that it was the flagship programme of the Election Commission of India (ECI) aimed at increasing voter education, spreading voter awareness and promoting voter literacy in India.


It is a multi-intervention that reaches out through different modes and media to educate citizens, electors, and voters about the electoral process in order to increase their awareness and promote their informed participation.

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