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2 die of drug ‘overdose’

Ferozepur: Gurvinder Singh of Kohar Singh Wala village in Guruharsahai died due to drug “overdose”. His body was found in a graveyard. In another incident, Sandeep Singh of Jalandhar was found dead near Shahwala in Zira. Cops said Sandeep was...
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Ferozepur: Gurvinder Singh of Kohar Singh Wala village in Guruharsahai died due to drug “overdose”. His body was found in a graveyard. In another incident, Sandeep Singh of Jalandhar was found dead near Shahwala in Zira. Cops said Sandeep was undergoing treatment at a de-addiction centre in Zira. OC

Public holiday today

Chandigarh: The Punjab Government has declared public holiday on June 10 to mark Guru Arjan Dev’s martyrdom day. A spokesperson said this holiday had been declared under Section 25 of the Negotiable Instruments Act-1881. He said all government offices, boards, corporations and educational institutions would stay close on June 10. TNS


6 AFPI cadets become officers

Chandigarh: Six more cadets from Maharaja Ranjit Singh Armed Forces Preparatory Institute (AFPI), Mohali, have been commissioned as officers in the Army, after passing out from the Indian Military Academy on Saturday. Maj Gen Ajay H Chauhan (retd), Director, AFPI, said two more cadets were commissioned in the Indian Navy in May. TNS


Close shave for 25 passengers

Abohar: Around 25 passengers on board Punjab Roadways bus heading to Ferozepur from Sriganganagar escaped unhurt after it rammed into a divider on Sunday. Driver Nishan Singh said the bus went out of control due to technical glitch.

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