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Intruder’s body not accepted by Pakistan

Praful Chander Nagpal Fazilka, July 4 A Pakistani intruder, who was shot dead by the Border Security Force (BSF) on the intervening night of July 1 and 2 in the area of the Sadiqi Border Outpost in the Fazilka...
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Praful Chander Nagpal

Fazilka, July 4


A Pakistani intruder, who was shot dead by the Border Security Force (BSF) on the intervening night of July 1 and 2 in the area of the Sadiqi Border Outpost in the Fazilka sector, is yet to be buried. The authorities are yet to finalise the graveyard for his burial.

According to sources, during a flag meeting held between the BSF officials and Pakistani Rangers, the latter reportedly refused to accept his body.


As per official sources, the body was taken to the Jalalabad graveyard but the local authorities there reportedly refused to accommodate on plea that an outsider could not be buried there. It was then taken to Abohar.

When contacted, Fazilka DSP Shubeg Singh said the body had been kept in Abohar and would be buried there after hearing a final word from the BSF. He said as per law, an unidentified body has to be kept for 72 hours before cremation. The body would be buried as per the rituals followed by the religion of the deceased.

The intruder was shot dead by a jawan of 55 Battalion after he entered India’s territory near the Sadiqi border outpost, despite being given a warning by the sentry on duty.

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