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Malerkotla records fastest redress of poll-related plaints

Average time is 20:35 minutes as compared to state’s 34 minutes
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Malerkotla, July 3

Resolving all poll-related complaints with cent percent accuracy, the district administration has stood first in the state with the average timing of 20 minutes and 35 seconds — much faster than the state’s average of 34 minutes. However, the Assembly-wise percentage for the Malerkotla constituency was 13 minutes and 43 seconds.


Hoshiarpur district emerged second, with the average resolving time of 23 minutes, while 7 seconds and Mansa lagged with the highest average of 1 hour, 43 minutes and 46 seconds.

District Election Officer and Deputy Commissioner Pallavi attributed the achievement to the coordinated efforts of all officials involved in the process. The DC felicitated the officials with citations received from the Election Commission of India (ECI).


Officials said they were enthusiastic to be involved in the process for maintaining the sanctity of democracy by facilitating smooth and transparent conduct of the election.

‘Booth Raabta’, a website launched under the supervision of the DC, helped to monitor electioneering in the Malerkotla Assembly segment and Amargarh segment of the Fatehgarh Sahib constituency.

The DC said the website was formally launched by a team of the ECI in Chandigarh. “As the website provided information regarding elections, including the details of the nearest police station, government hospitals, ambulance services, contact details of block-level officers, principals, building in-charge and staff, it was easier to conduct the process,” added the DC.

Records reveal that as many as 163 complaints received by the Assistant Returning Officirs in Malerkotla and Amargarh were redressed with accuracy.

While 122 persons filed complaints during the election process in the Malerkotla Assembly segment, only 41 complaints were received in the Amargarh segment.

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