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New record set in meeting peak power demand: ETO

Chandigarh, June 29 Power and Public Works Minister Harbhajan Singh ETO claimed that the state had successfully met its all-time highest peak demand of 16,089 MW today, surpassing the previous record of 15,933 MW set on June 19. The...
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Chandigarh, June 29

Power and Public Works Minister Harbhajan Singh ETO claimed that the state had successfully met its all-time highest peak demand of 16,089 MW today, surpassing the previous record of 15,933 MW set on June 19. The minister said that this demonstrates the state’s robust power infrastructure and efficient management.


Power Minister Harbhajan Singh said, “Punjab has consistently witnessed high peak demand during the second half of June 2024, ranging from 15,000 MW to 15,800 MW, significantly higher than the corresponding period last year.” Notably, on June 26, 2024, Punjab met its all-time highest power demand of 3,563 LUs in a single day, exceeding the previous record of 3,427 LUs set on September 9, 2023.

The minister attributed this success to the proactive measures taken by PSPCL, resulting in 28 per cent increase in power demand met in June, 2024, compared to the same period last year (7,464 MUs till June 26, 2024, versus 5,853 MUs till June 26, 2023). Similarly, in May, 2024, PSPCL supplied 7,231 MUs, a 37 per cent increase from 5,270 MUs in May, 2023.


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