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Only Punjab has right over waters: BJP

Chandigarh, January 4 State BJP president Ashwani Sharma today said only Punjab had the right on the river waters in the state. In a statement, Sharma said the water requirement of 1966-67 should not be used as the basis for...
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Chandigarh, January 4

State BJP president Ashwani Sharma today said only Punjab had the right on the river waters in the state.

In a statement, Sharma said the water requirement of 1966-67 should not be used as the basis for the decisions being taken in 2022. He said the water level in 117 of the 146 blocks of Punjab had plunged to a dangerous level. He said the old crop cycle should not be used as the basis for the water requirement of


the state.

Sharma said earlier about 60 per cent of the fields were irrigated with canal water. Now it had reduced to 25 per cent, he said, adding that farmers were forced to spend crores of rupees on the provision of tube wells. Sharma said that Punjab does not have surplus water to give to any other state. He said the state BJP would not allow even a single drop water to go out of the state.


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