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PAU invites applications from growers for state Innovative Farmer Awards

Ludhiana, June 7 Making ceaseless efforts to foster farmer-scientist bond, encourage crop diversification and felicitate farmers for their toil as well as sweat, the Directorate of Extension Education of Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) has invited applications from the farmers...
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Ludhiana, June 7

Making ceaseless efforts to foster farmer-scientist bond, encourage crop diversification and felicitate farmers for their toil as well as sweat, the Directorate of Extension Education of Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) has invited applications from the farmers of Punjab for the ‘Innovative Farmer Awards 2024’. The innovative farmers of Punjab will be honoured on the eve of PAU Kisan Mela in September, 2024, for making huge strides in agriculture, horticulture and allied enterprises.


Divulging details, Dr MS Bhullar, Director of Extension Education, said that ‘Sardar Dalip Singh Dhaliwal Memorial Award,’ carrying a cash prize of Rs 5,000 along with plaque and citation, will be presented to the self-cultivating farmer of field crops in Punjab. The ‘Parwasi Bharti Award,’ carrying a cash prize of Rs 8,000 along with plaque and citation, will be awarded to the self-cultivating farmer engaged in diversified farming system, he added. “Besides, ‘Sardar Ujagar Singh Dhaliwal Memorial Award’ will be bestowed upon the self-cultivating vegetable grower, who puts at least 60 per cent area of his operational holding under vegetable crops in winter as well as summer season.

Dr Bhullar further said that the application forms for the awards can be obtained from Associate/Deputy Directors (Training) of Krishi Vigyan Kendras, Directors of Regional Stations, District Extension Specialists (senior-most) of Farm Advisory Service Centres, Chief Agriculture Officers, Deputy Directors of Horticulture in different districts of the state and Directorate of Extension Education, PAU. The last date for the receipt of applications in the office of PAU Director of Extension Education is July 15, 2024, he said. For each award, a separate application will be accepted.


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