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Protest over contaminated water, food adulteration in Sriganganagar

Raj Sadosh Abohar, June 22 A protest to free water and food from poisonous contents has been launched in Sriganganagar. The coordinator of the protest, Maninder Singh Mann, co-convenor Ravinder Singh Tarkhan, Sukhveer Singh Fauji, Gurlal Brar. , Devidayal Chawla,...
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Raj Sadosh

Abohar, June 22


A protest to free water and food from poisonous contents has been launched in Sriganganagar. The coordinator of the protest, Maninder Singh Mann, co-convenor Ravinder Singh Tarkhan, Sukhveer Singh Fauji, Gurlal Brar. , Devidayal Chawla, Rameshwar Bhadu, Bhan Ram Bhadu, Mahinder Verma, Banshi Luhar, Babulal Saini, Om Pareek, Liladhar Verma, Dayanand, Pradeep Kiroriwal, former Trade Board president Ramniwas Dudi, municipal Congress president Kapil Jakhar were present on the occasion.

They demanded stopping the chemical-laden poisonous water flowing in the three canal projects of Rajasthan through Sutlej and Beas from Punjab, curbing adulterated food items, including dairy products in the district and curb on the trade of medical and synthetic drugs, including heroin.


Convener Mann said that the people of Rajasthan and Punjab are on the verge of death by drinking black poisonous canal water and getting sick. It is not possible to treat the elements like arsenic, uranium, cyanide, lead etc. present in the dirty water flowing in the canals. Budha Nala near Ludhiana is the most dangerous carrier of cancer. The treatment plants installed there are treating half the water at their capacity. The remaining water is being bypassed through other routes.

He said that government can be woken up from deep slumber with the massive participation of people, only then will the government take decisions in the public interest.

Ravinder Singh Tarkhan said that even after 78 years of independence, if people do not get pure drinking water, then Rajasthan MLAs should put pressure on calling a special session of the Assembly. He said he would meet the entire 11 MLAs of Hanumangarh and Sriganganagar district and demand a special session on the issue of drinking water supply in the Assembly’s starting in July.

Before that, resolutions will be passed against the above three types of poison in the gram sabhas to be held on July 5 and July 20.

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