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Punjab Health Minister Jauramajra orders probe into woman delivering child in corridor of Pathankot hospital

Chandigarh, October 2 Punjab Health Minister Chetan Singh Jauramajra has ordered the setting up of a four-member committee to probe the incident wherein a woman was allegedly forced to deliver her baby in a hospital corridor. The 38-year-old woman was...
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Chandigarh, October 2

Punjab Health Minister Chetan Singh Jauramajra has ordered the setting up of a four-member committee to probe the incident wherein a woman was allegedly forced to deliver her baby in a hospital corridor.

The 38-year-old woman was allegedly denied admission to the labour room and forced to give birth to her baby girl on the floor of the Pathankot civil hospital’s corridor on Tuesday night, her family alleged.


“The health minister has ordered a four-member inquiry committee to submit its report on the tragic incident that happened at Pathankot civil hospital,” said an official statement here on Sunday.

The committee comprising Dr Raj Kumar, district family welfare officer, Dr Vandana Kundal, deputy medical commissioner, Dr Harnavneet, gynaecologist, and Dr Bindu Gupta, senior medical officer, has been asked to submit its report by Tuesday.


The minister said any laxity on part of the staff members of the department would not be tolerated.

Strict instructions have been issued to the staff of government hospitals to behave politely with the patients to ensure that people do not face any inconvenience, said Jauramajra.

According to the service rules, there is a provision for punishment for government employees who are negligent or act in an irresponsible manner while performing their duties, Jauramajra said.

He said appropriate disciplinary action would be taken against those found guilty in the Pathankot case.

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