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SGPC passes Rs 1,261 crore annual budget

G S Paul Amritsar, March 29 The SGPC today tabled an annual budget of Rs 1260.97 crore for 2024-25, a hike of around 14 per cent in comparison to last year’s budget. SGPC general secretary Rajinder Singh Mehta presented the...
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G S Paul

Amritsar, March 29


The SGPC today tabled an annual budget of Rs 1260.97 crore for 2024-25, a hike of around 14 per cent in comparison to last year’s budget.

SGPC general secretary Rajinder Singh Mehta presented the proposed annual budget. It was passed in the general house held at the Teja Singh Samundri Hall in the presence of Akal Takht Jathedar Giani Raghbir Singh, Takht Damdama Sahib Jathedar Giani Harpreet Singh, Takht Kesgarh Sahib Jathedar Giani Sultan Singh and SGPC president Harjinder Singh Dhami.


For 2023-2024, the annual budget of the Sikh body was Rs 1,138.14 crore, an increase of 17 per cent from the previous year (2022-23), when the total budget was Rs 988 crore.

The budget allocation for the SGPC-run gurdwaras is Rs 994.51 crore. An amount of Rs 60 lakh has been kept aside for pursuing legal cases of ‘Bandi Singhs’, Rs 40 lakh for monthly honorarium to the kin of ‘Bandi Singhs’, Rs 40 lakh for ‘Dharami Faujis’, Rs 60 lakh for Sikligar and Vanjara Sikhs, Rs 50 lakh for poor students, Rs 1.48 crore for natural calamities and Rs 3.60 crore for sports.

Similarly, the Dharam Prachar Committee would be allocated Rs 100 crore, of which Rs 3 crore has been kept for the coming centenary of the 450th ‘Jyoti Jot Diwas’ of Sri Guru Amardas in September. An amount of Rs 22.5 crore has been eamarked for preparing Sikh youths for administrative services, free education for Amritdhari students, religious practices, libraries, historical memorial projects, religious preachings and for Sikh missions outside Punjab.

The proposed budget of educational institutions is Rs 251 crore, while Rs 1.05 crore has been kept for Baba Budha Charitable Hospital Bir Sahib. He also specifically mentioned that Rs 8 crore has been kept aside for the Miri Piri Medical College at Shahbad Markanda in Haryana.

The budget proceedings were carried out by SGPC secretary Partap Singh.

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