Col VR Mohan DAV Public School, Dera Bassi
Students of the school were given the opportunity to show their respect and express gratitude towards their mother by performing on various dance numbers. Mothers were invited for the musical morning, which was a symbolic of the various hues of life and joy. The children were very excited and bubbling with energy when they welcomed the mothers in a traditional way presenting them with flowers and cards, signifying the fragrance and colour a mother bring to her child’s life. A short colourful cultural programme was presented by students to express their gratitude. Mothers equally responded well by participating in various activities organised for them, like salad-making competition, catwalk of mothers, various games, etc. Awards were given to the winners of the various activities and the ‘Best Dressed’, ‘Ms Confident’, ‘Ms Graceful’ mothers. School Principal Sarita Yadav wished all mothers a happy and healthy life. The programme culminated with singing of the national anthem.