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DAV Public School, Tiara

On Drug Prevention Day, a seminar was organised for students of classes VIII to XII in the school. As the chief guest, OP Sharma, Adviser and Member of Indian Narcotics Department, participated. Sharing a PowerPoint presentation with the students of...
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On Drug Prevention Day, a seminar was organised for students of classes VIII to XII in the school. As the chief guest, OP Sharma, Adviser and Member of Indian Narcotics Department, participated. Sharing a PowerPoint presentation with the students of the school, he gave a lot of information to the students. He gave a strong message to the students that “we should not do any kind of drug. The effect of drugs can have a bad effect on the students”. School students Devan, Riya, Shivangi, Sumukh, Shayna, Nandini, Kashish, Anamika, Rushil and Shivansh also shared their views on Drug Prevention Day, strongly condemning drugs. Apart from this, Dr Ashutosh and OP Sharma had a personal discussion with the students and also told them the solutions. School Principal. Ekta thanked the guests and administered the oath of a ‘healthy India, prosperous India’ to the students.

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