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Delhi Public School, Gurdaspur

The school celebrated National Sports Day. The day saw participation from students from kindergarten to Class XII. Kindergarteners participated in races, shape-jumping, and other fun games, proudly earning first, second, and third positions. For primary students, a series of sports...
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The school celebrated National Sports Day. The day saw participation from students from kindergarten to Class XII. Kindergarteners participated in races, shape-jumping, and other fun games, proudly earning first, second, and third positions. For primary students, a series of sports competitions were held, including an inter-house cricket match. Students from classes VI to XII showcased their skills and sportsmanship. In addition to cricket, a variety of other events, such as the spoon race, one-leg race, three-leg race, and frog race, were conducted, with students winning prizes across all events. A special assembly was held to mark the occasion. The school honoured students who have excelled at the district level in various sports by awarding them gold, silver, and bronze medals.

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