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Major Ajaib Singh Convent School, Jeonwala

The school celebrated Republic Day. The ceremony began with the flag unfurling by Dr SS Brar, a distinguished guest. The event saw active participation from students of classes VI to XII. They showcased their talent through a variety of performances...
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The school celebrated Republic Day. The ceremony began with the flag unfurling by Dr SS Brar, a distinguished guest. The event saw active participation from students of classes VI to XII. They showcased their talent through a variety of performances — NCC parade, inspiring speeches, poem, and a melodious group song. Students displayed their skill in sports in a series of events, followed by a vibrant group dance and a beautiful duet song. School Principal/Director Dr SS Brar officially launched the school constitution rules at the conclusion of the programme. This landmark event emphasised the importance of discipline, respect and unity within the school, setting a foundation for a strong and collaborative community for the years to come. Lecturer Rajdeep Kaur delivered an inspiring speech on the significance of Republic Day. The event was attended by school administration members, who expressed their appreciation for the students’ hard work and dedication.

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