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PM Shri KV, Upper Camp, Dehradun

The school celebrated 10th International Yoga Day with enthusiastic participation from students and staff. It was a memorable celebration with a series of engaging and enriching activities designed by Ruchi Dhingra to promote health and wellness among students and staff....
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The school celebrated 10th International Yoga Day with enthusiastic participation from students and staff. It was a memorable celebration with a series of engaging and enriching activities designed by Ruchi Dhingra to promote health and wellness among students and staff. The session was tailored to suit all age groups and levels of experience, ensuring that everyone could participate and benefit, creating ambience full of positive energy. The event took place on the school premises and saw enthusiastic participation from the entire school community. Principal Awadhesh Dubey emphasised the importance of yoga in maintaining physical and mental well-being. “Yoga is not just an exercise; it is a way to connect the body, mind, and spirit,” he remarked.

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