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PML SD Public School, Chandigarh

The school celebrated Indian Constitution Day with a series of meaningful events. The day began with a special assembly and an oath-taking ceremony, where students and staff pledged to uphold the values of the Constitution. Following the assembly, a rally...
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The school celebrated Indian Constitution Day with a series of meaningful events. The day began with a special assembly and an oath-taking ceremony, where students and staff pledged to uphold the values of the Constitution. Following the assembly, a rally was held with students carrying banners promoting justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity. The highlight of the day was the formation of a human chain along the road, organised by NSS volunteers and the NSS unit of the school, symbolising unity and collective strength. Principal Monica Sharma emphasised the importance of the Constitution in daily life. The day’s events concluded with a renewed commitment to uphold the Constitution and work towards a just and equitable society.

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