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Principal Speak: Developing soft skills, restoring fading moral values among students

Education involves a right balance of academic and co-curricular activities. How is your institute providing this balance to students? While academics are vital, co-curricular activities teach us concepts that go beyond the classroom’s four walls. The balance between these two...
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Education involves a right balance of academic and co-curricular activities. How is your institute providing this balance to students?

While academics are vital, co-curricular activities teach us concepts that go beyond the classroom’s four walls. The balance between these two can improve the communication, management, time management, and crisis management abilities to endure the pressures of the 21st century. Today’s students must strike a balance between what they need and what they want. We are providing this balance with the help of art-integrated activities, indoor and outdoor games and by making them technology efficient.

What are the assessment practices used in your school?


The assessment methods used may be direct or indirect. Direct measures of learning “include performance assessments that require students to demonstrate their competence in one or more skills” and indirect measures of learning “ask students to reflect on what they have learnt and experienced rather than to demonstrate their knowledge and skills.

NEP 2020 has laid special emphasis on vocational skills and entrepreneurships. How is your school providing these two through curriculum?


The National Policy of Education (NEP) of 2020 has established a specific objective of introducing skill and vocational education to 50 per cent of school students by the year 2025 with the intention of extending this exposure to nearly all students by the year 2030. In our school we have introduced Artificial intelligence and IT as additional subjects in classes IX and X. Except that we are planning to introduce music in the coming session.

What measures has the school taken to help students cope with stress and to develop their EQ?

Stress is a natural human response that prompts us to address challenges and threats in our lives. But if it’s too much it can destroy our life and in present day students are experiencing a pressure of performance. Being their guides, teachers use to motivate them and use various ways to deal with stress like: Special yoga sessions for students; exercises to make them fit; meditation and ‘havan’ for their mental peace; special focus on their fruits and tiffin; and being always positive with the students.

As the head of the institution what is your vision and how you are making it a reality?

In the current era, school leaders are catalysts for change, driving educational excellence, fostering a positive school culture, and ensuring students’ success. Effective school leadership can significantly impact student performance, teacher satisfaction, and overall school outcomes. As a school principal striving to boost productivity, I’d implement several strategies. Firstly, streamline communication by adopting digital platforms and scheduling regular staff meetings to ensure everyone is informed and aligned. Secondly, delegate tasks efficiently, empowering staff to take ownership and utilise their strengths effectively. Thirdly, invest in professional development to enhance skills and foster a culture of continuous improvement. Finally, prioritise work-life balance to prevent burnout and maintain a motivated workforce.

Motto of your school and how are students being trained to follow it?

To develop soft skills and restore the fading moral values among students. To produce bright, competent, balanced, compassionate, patriotic and responsible global citizens. To inculcate the values among students every student is trained in performing ‘havan’, social service, learning by doing and involved in group activities.

Sports, co-curricular activities for students.

The skills and experiences we gain from extracurricular activities can benefit us throughout our life. For example, teamwork and leadership skills can be helpful in the workplace, and communication skills can be helpful in all aspects of life. Our students participate actively in dance, singing, drawing, sports, writing competitions, Spellbee, debate, nukkad natak and stage acts on various social issues.

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