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Rhyme Time: A lattice of words

In a world of dreams and daring deeds, There walks a soul with boldness and speed. Imaginative mind, a creative force, She charts a unique course. Strong-willed and determined, She never relents and faces challenges with an unwavering intent. Always...
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In a world of dreams and daring deeds,

There walks a soul with boldness and speed.

Imaginative mind, a creative force,


She charts a unique course.

Strong-willed and determined,


She never relents and faces challenges with an unwavering intent.

Always finds a way, or makes one anew,

She forges ahead, her dreams in a view.

With every step, she breaks through the mould,

Fearlessly exploring paths untold.

Her spirit shines bright, like a guiding star,

Inspiring others from near and far.

In the face of obstacles, she never retreats,

Her determination is their greatest feat.

With courage as her armour, she stands tall,

Conquering mountains, she never falls.

She is a person of strength and might,

Her presence fills the world with light.

A beacon of hope, a symbol of grace,

She leaves an indelible mark in every place.

So let us celebrate this soul so bold,

Whose imagination never grows old.

For she reminds us to never give in,

To always find a way, and let our own journey begin.

Vaishnavi Walia, Class IX, Sacred Heart Senior Secondary School, Sidhpur

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