Rhyme Time: Time to say goodbye
It is our time to say goodbye.
Feels just like yesterday when we first said ‘hi’.
It’s always the first meetings,
that are awkward and weird.
Never did we imagine,
that an inseparable force was bound to tie us together.
The time we spent together,
was truly the best of our lives.
But now when it’s time to say goodbye,
the memories flash before our eyes.
The moments we spent together
are so dearly cherished.
When we part ways,
the good times perish.
With my friends by my side,
even boring days felt like a rollercoaster ride.
Can’t believe our time is up,
What an adventurous journey it was.
If I had the chance, I wouldn’t let it pass.
To do it all over again,
when we were together as friends.
One day we will reunite.
By the rules of friendship,
we will always abide.
But sadly, now
it is our time to say goodbye.
Anaya Kanwar, Class X, Sacred Heart Senior Secondary School, Sidhpur