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Shemrock Senior Secondary School, Sec 69, Mohali

The school started Founder’s Week celebrations on its campus. Children of junior classes showcased their talents and skills on the first day. Tiny tots presented dance items on tunes of movie songs. The students entertained the audience by several performances....
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The school started Founder’s Week celebrations on its campus. Children of junior classes showcased their talents and skills on the first day. Tiny tots presented dance items on tunes of movie songs. The students entertained the audience by several performances. Students enraptured the audience by their rock and roll, folk dances and dance on nursery rhymes. Fairy tales were beautifully portrayed and kids did full justice as the attires and the charming smiles added to the glory of the event. Principal Prineet Sohal, while addressing the audience, gave the details of previous year and also told future planning about games, education and extra-curricular activities. Parents watched the performances of their choldren. At the end, MD Karan Bajwa, while praising the efforts of tiny tots, invited all to join them in next day’s celebrations.

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