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Sachin clinches silver in shot put

World champion shot-putter Sachin Sarjerao Khilari smashed the Asian record en route a silver on Wednesday as India’s track-and-field athletes continued to surpass expectations in what is turning out to be the country’s best ever performance at the Paralympics here....
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Sachin Khilari competes in the men’s shotput event. PTI

World champion shot-putter Sachin Sarjerao Khilari smashed the Asian record en route a silver on Wednesday as India’s track-and-field athletes continued to surpass expectations in what is turning out to be the country’s best ever performance at the Paralympics here.

The 34-year-old Khilari pulled off 16.32m throw in his second attempt of the F46 category final to better his own Asian record of 16.30m which he set in May while winning gold in the World Para-Athletics Championships in Japan.

His silver on Wednesday was medal number 21 for the nation, which is currently placed 19th in the overall standings with three gold, eight silver and 10 bronze medals. Greg Stewart of Canada defended his Tokyo Paralympics gold with a throw of 16.38m, while Luka Bakovic of Croatia took the bronze with 16.27m.


Khilari’s silver was also India’s 11th medal from track-and-field, the Tokyo haul of one gold, five silver and two bronze medals long surpassed. Late on Tuesday night, Indians won silver and bronze in both men’s high jump T63 and javelin throw F46 after Deepthi Jeevanji’s bronze in the women’s 400m T20 category in India’s best day at the Games.

Sharad Kumar and Mariyappan Thangavelu won silver and bronze respectively in the men’s high jump T63 while Ajeet Singh and Sundar Singh Gurjar took the second and third sports in the javelin throw F46 final.


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