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Daughter of Putin's spokesperson publicly opposes Russia's attack on Ukraine; post deleted soon after

Chandigarh, February 27 Daughter of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s spokesperson Dmitry Peskov, Elizaveta Peskova, publicly opposed Russia’s attack on Ukraine by posting an Instagram Story that translates ‘no to war’ in English. The slogan was the main chant used...
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Chandigarh, February 27

Daughter of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s spokesperson Dmitry Peskov, Elizaveta Peskova, publicly opposed Russia’s attack on Ukraine by posting an Instagram Story that translates ‘no to war’ in English.


The slogan was the main chant used by protesters to oppose the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The post was shared by her mother Katerina Peskova.

Peskova’s father Dmitry Peskov has justifies Russia’s actions to the media.


Elizaveta Peskova, 24, posted “HET BOЙHE” — “no to war,” against a black background on her Instagram story according to a screenshot posted on Twitter.

Francis Scarr, a senior digital reporter at the BBC, also noted Peskova’s posting in a tweet.

Soon after Scarr posted the screenshot, Washington Post reporter Mary Ilyushina said that it had been taken down.

This is not the first time Peskova has prompted political intrigue. In 2019, it emerged that she had become an intern for a right-wing MEP, Aymeric Chauprade, prompting concerns that sensitive political information could filter back to the Kremlin, the BBC reported.

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