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Global leaders join Ukraine summit in test of Kyiv’s diplomatic clout

Lucerne, June 15 World leaders began gathering in Switzerland on Saturday for a summit to pressure Russia to end its war in Ukraine, but the absence of powerful allies of Moscow such as China will blunt its potential impact. Dozens...
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Lucerne, June 15

World leaders began gathering in Switzerland on Saturday for a summit to pressure Russia to end its war in Ukraine, but the absence of powerful allies of Moscow such as China will blunt its potential impact.

Dozens of allies of Ukraine will take part, but China is staying away after Russia was frozen out of proceedings on the grounds it had dismissed the event as a waste of time and had no interest in attending.


China’s absence means hopes the summit will show Russia as globally isolated have faded, while recent military reverses have put Kyiv on the back foot. The war in Gaza between Israel and Hamas has also diverted the world’s attention from Ukraine.

The talks are expected to focus on broader concerns triggered by the war, such as food and nuclear security and freedom of navigation, and a draft of the final declaration identifies Russia as the aggressor, sources said.


German Chancellor Olaf Scholz called the event an important step towards progress. Around 100 countries and organisations have committed to the two-day gathering at the Buergenstock, a mountaintop resort in central Switzerland.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said Russia would end the war only if Kyiv agreed to drop its NATO ambitions and hand over four provinces claimed by Moscow – demands Kyiv swiftly rejected as tantamount to surrender. — Reuters

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