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Disaster relief ops demonstrated during joint India-Vietnam military exercise in Panchkula

Soldiers of India and Vietnam pose for photo on the concluding day of VINBAX - 2024, a joint India-Vietnam Army exercise, at Kaushalya Dam near Panchkula on Friday. Industrial disaster relief operation being demonstrated on the concluding day of VINBAX...
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  • soldiers both country after pose for photo after Closing Ceremony Indo-Vietnam Exercise to be held at Kaushalya Dam at Pinjore in Panchkulla on Friday. Tribune photo: Vicky

  • Industrial disaster relief operation at Closing Ceremony Indo-Vietnam Exercise to be held at Kaushalya Dam at Pinjore in Panchkulla on Friday. Tribune photo: Vicky

  • Helicopter at disaster area at Closing Ceremony Indo-Vietnam Exercise to be held at Kaushalya Dam at Pinjore in Panchkulla on Friday. Tribune photo: Vicky

  • Industrial disaster relief operation at Closing Ceremony Indo-Vietnam Exercise to be held at Kaushalya Dam at Pinjore in Panchkulla on Friday. Tribune photo: Vicky

  • 67409dfe2bd19-12211629CD _DRONEUSE FOR MEDICAL HELP 221124 VG

  • Earthquake relief operation at Closing Ceremony Indo-Vietnam Exercise to be held at Kaushalya Dam at Pinjore in Panchkulla on Friday. Tribune photo: Vicky

  • 67409e0c53949-12211966CD _CLOSING CEREMONY INDOVIETNAM EXERCISE 221124 VG

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