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Littering on the rise in Hamirpur town

GARBAGE littering is on the rise in Hamirpur town. Unhygienic conditions at the Nadaun Chowk, one of the busiest roundabout in the town, can be seen in the picture attached. Heaps of garbage are lying there for the past two...
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GARBAGE littering is on the rise in Hamirpur town. Unhygienic conditions at the Nadaun Chowk, one of the busiest roundabout in the town, can be seen in the picture attached. Heaps of garbage are lying there for the past two days and nobody from the authorities concerned is bothered to make arrangements to pick up the garbage. The authorities concerned should take note of it and get the needful done immediately.

— Raman Kumar, Hamirpur

Govt medical colleges sans CT scan, MRI facility


THE facilities of CT scan and MRI are not available at local government medical colleges. As a result, poor and needy patients have to pay exorbitant prices for the facility at private centres. There is also a scarcity of doctors and paramedical staff at government hospitals which should be filled by the government at the earliest. Also, arrangements should be made for providing CT scan and MRI facilities at local government medical colleges.

— Chain Lal Sharma, Chamba


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