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60-yr-old Hoshiarpur woman dies of Covid

Jalandhar, December 22 A 60-year-old Hoshiarpur woman died of Covid at a private hospital in Jalandhar on Wednesday, making this the first Covid death in the state after the emergence of the new Covid variant JN.1. Hailing from Hariana Bhunga...
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Jalandhar, December 22

A 60-year-old Hoshiarpur woman died of Covid at a private hospital in Jalandhar on Wednesday, making this the first Covid death in the state after the emergence of the new Covid variant JN.1.

Hailing from Hariana Bhunga village in Hoshiarpur, the woman was admitted to a private hospital in Jalandhar on December 15 after she complained of breathlessness. She also had many co-morbidities. She was suffering from diabetes type 2 and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.


She tested positive for Covid on December 17 and died three days later.

However, it is not yet know whether she had Covid from the older variant of the virus or the new one. State Nodal Officer for Covid, Dr Rajesh Bhaskar, said, “The case is unlikely to be of the new variant as only 5 per cent of the cases in India are of the new variant.”


Meanwhile, the state currently has three active cases of Covid – all from Doaba. Jalandhar, Kapurthala and Hoshiarpur have one case each.

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